Tag: make a difference

Paying Attention to the Moments

Those who follow me on social media, know “Seizing the Moments” isn’t a new topic for one of my blogs. I’ve used the title or the subject in many blogs because seizing the moments are so important. That’s because I know how important it is to not miss opportunities to help, encourage or give a…

By Donna Wuerch May 5, 2022 Off

Tenderize My Heart, Lord

While writing in my journal, I wrote: “Lord, tenderize my heart for others.” Tenderize? Where did that come from? Suddenly, I went “nostalgic” and saw my mom holding a meat tenderizer hammer beating the tar out of a piece of meat. She was beating it to make the meat more tender. And, of course, that…

By Donna Wuerch January 17, 2019 Off

Where Empathy Makes a Difference

Yesterday, Buddy and I started out on our usual walk when we came upon this adorable little girl, who, from a distance, I could hear shouting “Look, a puppy!” She was so excited to express her joy to Buddy, and he was for her, that we stopped for this sweet exchange. We made it back…

By Donna Wuerch April 6, 2017 Off