Making the Most of Making the Most of Life

August 8, 2015 Off By Donna Wuerch

Day 212 of Photo Inspirations — Making the Most of Making the Most of  Life
Nothing is more important to me than putting ife and all its responsibilities on hold when the opportunities arise for “memory-making-time”.

When my sweetheart graduated to heaven at such an early age (63), I realized, as never before, how important it is to make every day count.   We have just one life to live and in the light of eternity, it’s just a breath.  So I don’t want to have any regrets about missing anything.  I don’t want to be defined by a job or responsibilities or by how smart or wealthy I am (or not) and most certainly by what I missed out on doing.  I want to be defined by what I loved most — my family, my friends, and those wonderful opportunities I embraced for making a difference in people’s lives.

My granddaughter, Alexia Wallace​, is still here in Tulsa with me.  She has never known, or been around my 2-year old great niece), so I wanted the two of them to meet and make a memory today.  I took her to Mom’s where Anna visits one day a week.  Initially, Anna was a little shy, but Alexia, with a talent for entertaining kids (Who knew?), reined little Anna into her world.  In a matter of minutes they were playing hide and go seek, chasing each other and playing with Anna’s “Little Pony” collection (Little Pony was Alexia’s love, too — so Alexia, knowing all the names of the ponies, was a hit with Anna).  They had such a great time — so much so that Alexia wanted to stay longer with her.  She loved getting to know her 2nd cousin. Yes, we made memories.

Then it was off to pick up Alexia’s best friend to come over and spend the night.  They both went to Victory Christian School. These two girls remind me so much of my girl friends and me at that age — laughing, dancing, being silly willies, talking “girl” talk, juggling tangerines, swimming, singing — using remote controls as their microphones and having so much fun.

The finale was tie dying some t-shirts. We’re looking forward to the finished products later today!  What fun they had at Nana’s house,  That’s what I want to be remembered for.  Not that Nana was a cranky and grumpy Nana who wanted her house to look perfect and who insisted on putting things away and who didn’t have treats in abundance and who wanted the kids to settle down.  No, that’s not me.  I’ll sing and dance and play right along with them.  After all, they’ll soon go home and Nana will have her peace and quiet once again, but hopefully, not for long!   We made the most of making the most memories.  How sweet it was…..and is — today is another day of embracing the moments!