Mindset — Reset
We know how productive we can be when our computers AND our lives are operating at top performance. And we also know how counter-productive we can be when our computers crash, or we crash.
Our computers are of such importance to us that we use security, filters, and firewalls to help protect them and we do regular back-up of our information. But what about us?
We are like an advanced, powerful, masterfully designed and crafted, highly intelligent, capable of so much input AND output computer — created by God.
Our minds are like a computer, and how we program them and what we input into them determines our output. Take, for example, negative thinking and speaking. It is like a corrupted program or virus that comes from an external source (i.e., the enemy of our souls) that can make its way in and infects our thinking.
That’s when we use the DELETE button and reprogram ourselves with software that says: “I am more than a conqueror”; “I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me”, “Greater is He Who is in me than he that is in the world”, “If God be for me, who can be against me?”
That is the input we need daily for an output that is conquering and winning. It’s time we get really good at hitting the DELETE button and then say, “I am who God says I am. My mind is alert and my heart is receptive to only God’s voice. No one can make me feel inferior without my permission. Voices from the past are no longer a stronghold over me.”
When voices say, “You’ll never get ahead.” DELETE. “You’re stupid.” DELETE. “You’re defective.” DELETE. Reply to those voices with: “I AM equipped, well able. I WILL fulfill my destiny. I am not defective or flawed. God says I am His masterpiece. He has crowned me with His favor. I am the apple of His eye, and one of His prized possessions. I am accepted, approved, and I am valuable.”
It’s time to reboot, reprogram, re-input, and renew our minds (our computer). And, for goodness’ sake, we MUST keep our computer CLEAN, free from viruses of hate, anger, jealousy, unforgiveness, worry, and defeat.
We must make sure our FIREWALL is working well — the FIREWALL of God’s Word that protects against the adversary’s voice and his devices and tactics. And remember to DELETE when necessary!