My Comforter is One of my Favorite Things

March 15, 2018 Off By Donna Wuerch

My Comforter is One of my Favorite Things
My word of the day is COMFORTER: a thick bed covering that is filled with a soft light material; also someone who helps you to feel less worried, upset, frightened; someone who comforts you.

I do a lot of traveling and that means sleeping in beds that don’t compare to MY bed at home. When I get home to my bed and my sheets, my five pillows ? and my COMFORTER, I sleep with COMFORT. My sleeping “paraphernalia” includes a sheet under my blanket/comforter and a sheet over it. I started that when we stayed in hotels that their sheets were on that way, which meant that the blanket or comforter that is rarely washed, is never against our body or face. That “cleanliness” sleeping way became an almost must-have for me.

Bottom line, I’m more energetic and more alert when I’ve had a good night’s sleep. Our beds are where we begin and end the day, and where we spend nearly a third of our life. So why not make it the cleanest and most comfortable spot in our home?

Speaking of COMFORT and COMFORTER, there’s nothing like the comfort a mother can provide to a hurting or frightened child. Her love moves into action, not with explanations or reasoning, but with everything in her power to quiet, to COMFORT, and to reassure. Her arms embracing that sweet one, speak louder than any words the child could hear in that moment of fear or pain. Her voice is soothing and quieting, “Shhh, it’s okay…Mommy’s here. It’s okay.” Those gentle words bring the assurance that helps the child to believe, “It is okay because Mommy is here, and I am in her arms.”

We are God’s children and He desires to be that COMFORTER and encourager to us. He is HERE — right now! Jesus spoke these words to His disciples, “I tell you the truth, it is better for you that I go away. For if I do not go away, the COMFORTER will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you.” John 16:7. The COMFORTER is the precious Holy Spirit who lives in us as believers to provide that comfort that calms the storms in our lives.

The words in Psalm 46:10 are like the words of comfort from a caring mother to her fearful child: “Be still, and know that I am God”. The language is simple and the words are few but they are words that tell us all we need to know to settle us, still our fears, quiet our hearts, and reassure us when we hear, “Shhh. Be still, calm down, release all your concerns, quiet your heart, it’s okay, I am here and you are safe in the shelter of My arms.”