New Season…..New Day…..Celebration Time

March 15, 2016 Off By Donna Wuerch
If you live in San Diego, CA, Maui, HA or Orlando, FL, you enjoy reasonably mild climate throughout the year, but if you live in Tulsa, OK, you’d know the highs and lows of the most dramatic weather that accompanies each season. We get enamored by the changing of the leaves on trees that go from fiery reds and oranges….to no leaves at all. Those trees just spent the entire winter with bare branches. Now, all of sudden, those same bare branches are sprouting small purplish/red flowers and small white flowers. I love watching this beautiful transition. Yesterday, the high in Tulsa was 85 degrees. It excited me so much that I went to Lowe’s and bought some herb plantings to get my veggie garden on its way. I loved feeling the warm sun. It’s familiar, but also, NEW, all at once.

Isaiah 43:19 says, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it! I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

God is always in motion which tells us He is always up to something new! What He did yesterday was great, but today is a NEW day. I think He is always conjuring up ways to amaze and surprise us. The seasons are a perfect example of the daily mercies He brings to us. Winter changes into spring, spring to summer, and summer to fall. And, we, too, are constantly in motion — we are growing and changing. Aren’t we so thrilled that we aren’t just one-season-people? Always in the same-O, same-O of life?

Our lives really are seasonal and when we are unwilling to accept change and grow, we become stagnant in our physical, spiritual and mental state. To come into a new season and to grow in our faith, we must let go of the old one. Isaiah 43:18 says, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.” One of the many lessons life teaches us is to let go. Whew! That’s not an easy one, when we’re faced with letting our little ones start to school, or for our high schoolers to go off to college or get married and leave the nest. And neither is hanging on to past hurts and struggles, and past relationships. I assure you, it is possible to feel the loss for a while in those times of life, but NEVER to stay there. To grow and celebrate this season of life, we must pick ourselves up and be willing to go to a NEW SEASON.

As spring is surfacing and the trees are blooming, we can see God’s reminder to let go of the old things and expect the new things He’s wanting to do in our lives. Expect that there are good and beautiful things to come. As the flowers are being resurrected to new life, the trees are sprouting from what seemed to be a lifeless state, the green grass is peeking through the brown remains of winter, may we SPRING FORTH in fresh, new strength and vitality that comes from taking off those grave clothes, and putting on garments of praise and joy! It’s a new day, it’s a new season, it’s a time for great expectation that this will be the BEST day and times of our lives!
Love and blessings to all….Donna