New Year’s Resolutions That Can Change Our Lives
I’ve met plenty of folks with backup plans, but I’ve yet to meet anyone with a backup dream. Isn’t that something? Maybe it’s time to dust off those dreams and give them another go. Life is too short to keep bouncing from one backup plan to the next like we’re playing hopscotch backwards.
So, let’s talk about some New Year Resolutions we should live by…..without regrets and without forgetting them!
Let Go of Mistakes
They happened. We learned. Now let them rest. Stop picking them up like souvenirs from a trip we never wanted to take. God’s grace is big enough to cover every misstep, and last I checked, He’s not holding them against us. Walk forward, not backward.
Release the Resentments
We’re still replaying that hurt like it’s a hit song, but the person who hurt us? They’re probably out there enjoying life, clueless. Why let them rent space in our heart when they didn’t even ask for the key? Let’s free ourselves! Forgiveness isn’t about them — it’s about you and me stepping out of the prison of bitterness. Let it go.
Save the Relationships That Matter
Not every relationship deserves CPR, but the ones that do? Breathe life back into them. As far as it depends on us — let’s determine to live at peace. Don’t mirror their attitude; reflect God’s love. If we’ve got some wrongs to make right, let’s be the first to apologize. Humility goes a long way, and at the end of the day, we’ll know we did our part.
Kick Self-Destructive Habits to the Curb
We all have that “thing” that tries to drag us down. Whether it’s scrolling endlessly, eating what we shouldn’t, blowing up over small stuff, or chasing things that never fill the void — enough is enough. We were made for more. God didn’t create us to live stuck in cycles of regret.
I wrote this blog with one finger pointing at you and all my ten fingers pointing at me! Let’s get a real grip on the NEW YOU and NEW ME this year! Let’s stand tall, stand firm, and remember Whose we are. Victory starts with one small, brave step in the right direction.
Let’s be done with those sad songs of “Why me?” and turn over a new leaf of dreaming again, living again, and trusting God’s big, open arms to carry us through a BEST-YEAR-EVER!