Not Finished Yet

May 14, 2016 Off By Donna Wuerch

I was getting suggestions from one of my subdivision’s builders about some artwork that I’m working on for advertising. We were discussing this awesome 55+ Active Adult Community and taglines that would help describe us. Sarcastically, he said, “Whatever you do, Donna, don’t use words like old folks, retired person, baby-boomer, old-timer, senior!” He meant those would be the practical words to use, but they don’t equate to this lively, energetic, young-at-heart community where we may not be working as hard as we once did, but most of us are still living life large. We’re REFIRED – not the typical sitting-in-a-rocking-chair, just watching TV kind of folks.

Here’s how we’re making the most of this season of our lives: some still work full-time, others part time. We volunteer for charities and churches. We travel (a lot), some play pickleball, tennis and golf, others are taking piano and voice lessons, others are master gardeners, and others attend seminars and classes to upgrade their skills in various areas. AND others are sharing their wisdom to young people and children as teachers and role models. I love that. Just think how we can save the younger generation a lot of time and effort by the wisdom we can share from the lessons we’ve learned.

So, we’re thinking we should have buttons, t-shirts, bumper stickers, and hats made that read “Not Finished Yet” on them.

Regardless of the number of birthdays we’ve celebrated, we are still here. And as long as we are here, we are not there, and as long as we are not there, it means God still has a purpose for us here.

When Jesus was on the cross, the last thing He said was “It is finished.” After He made that statement, He died. So when is God’s purpose for us on this earth finished? It is finished when we die. Until then, we are not finished yet!

Don’t let the thought of getting older discourage you or even make you fearful of what tomorrow might hold. Consider these words that God spoke to Isaiah in Psalm 92 “But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon. Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green. They will declare, “The LORD is just! He is my rock!”