Our Hearts have Eyes
New land-scape and ocean-scape to take in this week. My Austin family and friends are in Port Aransas taking in everything beach and ocean for Brennan’s 16th birthday celebration. I was the first one up and at ‘em at 5 am to post my blog. Then I made my way to the beach to take in the magnificent beauty of the sun coming up over the ocean. It was a sight to behold. And, of all things God-given, I saw this cross. It was then I realized my heart must also have eyes because I sensed God’s presence and realized I want my heart’s eyes to see what He sees. I just need to open them up.
That reminded me of a song: “Open the eyes of my heart, Lord. I want to see You.” I want to see Him more than in my family and nature, the skies, and the oceans. I want my heart’s eyes to open up to all His wonders and grace. That song makes sense as I read this scripture: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will SEE God.” Matthew 5:8. That “pure in heart’ must be the prescription for 20/20 vision for seeing God! I want that vision!

A pure heart doesn’t mean we are perfect people. If our purest intention is to see God, we will. I’ve said it in so many of my blogs that while I can’t see the Lord’s physical form, I do see evidence of Him all around me. So, in that case, we should always be asking God to open our eyes to the many things in our life that speak to His presence. We can keep our eyes wide open as we look for evidence of God around us. It’s amazing: The more we recognize even the smallest things as gifts from God, the more we start to realize how present He is in our lives.
If what I’m saying seems too difficult to understand – the part about being able to SEE God, then maybe there is something dividing your heart and distracting you from seeing Him. That’s when we ask God to help us SEE. It may be that it’s a simple distraction of our technology gadgets or people who come between us and God in nature, in daily potential encounters when we have an awareness of Him. And, maybe, we need to look closer at the people around us — just maybe we’ll see God in them as they help someone with food or clothing or encouraging words. The truth is – the more we purpose to place our focus on Him – in scripture, in people, in our daily activities, the more we’ll see Him.
I love you, my precious friends. I believe with all my heart God isn’t trying to hide from us. He’s everywhere. He’s just waiting for us to open our eyes to Him.
“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound…was blind but now I see!”