Our Partnership with God
Sometimes I wake-up with immense gratitude that I woke up. I look at my clock for the time. I get to brush my teeth with a power toothbrush. I jump over to my computer and hit the “post” button for these blogs. I am so thankful that God graced me with living in this century! Bring on innovation and high tech!
See that alarm clock! I remember every night’s routine of winding it up to keep it going. I needed that alarm to awaken me each morning. Today, my cell phone, not only provides a large number clock that I can awaken and see the time, but when I really need an alarm clock, my cell phone provides it with a mere click.
In ALL these years of living, I can’t begin to explain the difference that this information and technology age has made in my life and has made it so much better.
A few days ago, I blogged about high discernment being better than high-tech. Don’t get me wrong! I’m not knocking our world of technology. Even when one of my high-tech devices goes on the fritz, I am not wanting to go back to the good-old-days way.
We are so high tech that we can get whatever we need for whatever we are doing. There are gadgets in every place like the kitchen, the car, garage and for everything like music, fitness, and watches. I am grateful to be able to move through my life with less to be concerned about – like when I drive many miles to various locations.
Even the technology in my car is a bonus — GPS system and indicators that let me know when a tire is too low or if I’m getting out of my lane, or the brake system. Aw! The brake system. My car stopped me before I was about to run into the back of a car! Thank you, God, for my car!
I can’t imagine how long it would take me to write my daily blogs without my computer and access to the internet. The Internet has forever changed the way we relate to one another. Getting messages out to a large list of people in an instant, at one time, unlike the days of phoning all those people or snail mail. The good old days were good, but, hallelujah, for these good NEW days when we get so much accomplished so much faster.
It is truly a miracle for those who can see now because of specialized glasses, for those who can hear because of implants, and those without limbs or even a voice have access to technology that gives them the ability to walk and speak.
It is a divine partnership that makes it all happen! Our Great Creator creates through His children. Every creative act is a partnership with God!
God started all this “technology” business. He is the Creator of heaven and earth. He created life itself. And, we are Children of the Creator. This blog today is basic in its message but quite advanced in us recognizing that technology is a gift from Him. He operates through His skilled image-bearers.
It is His genius that inspires innovators with innovations, artists with art, creators with creations AND you and me who should open our hearts and lives to Him. We might come up with the next technology that will be used to know Him better, love each other more and glorify Him above all!
It is time to give credit to Whom credit is due. Our all-supreme, all knowing God is our Father and He wants us to live with expectant, anticipatory listening for a God-idea! That’s what I do with these daily blogs. Thanks, God! You and I came up with a good one today, didn’t we?