Our Rich Family History

Our Rich Family History

July 12, 2023 Off By Donna Wuerch

My son called to ask for as much info as I could provide regarding our family’s history. He was on a quest to keep reminding his boys/men about the foundations that our family was built upon.

Then, my nephew, Robert Wheat, saw this FB photo of our “Wheat Family” from back in the 1950s and sent it to me. The photo was taken long before he was even a twinkle in his mom and dad’s eyes! The two little girls at the front are my cousin, Myra Wheat Lewis, and me!

I commented on his post “I am thankful for this group of folks that led the way in our faith and value system. Thank you, Lord, for them all.”

I was inspired to write this blog because today is my sweet Mama’s birthday, July 12, 1911. Now, 19 years in heaven, I cherish the rich family history she gave us. What I remember most was being in church, worshipping God and hearing all those stories and songs of God’s amazing grace.

When my mother was up in years, I realized I didn’t know much about her history — stories about her 12 siblings and living in a large family, how their parents were able to support them financially, how she met my dad, etc. What a shame that I waited so long to find out. Too much “me” focus, rather than focusing on where I came from.

I did something about it. I interviewed her and recorded her telling me stories a few minutes a day for several weeks. Her stories were precious and enlightening as to how strong she was throughout her years. I stopped long enough to spend quality time with her that resulted in having those recordings given to my siblings and their kids when mom passed away at age 94 in 2004. I was able to pass on, not in money, but in faith and fortitude our family’s history.

Being nostalgic comes easy when we are on the other side of raising children, working, and caring for a home and family with more time on our hands now to be thankful for our rich family history. I am one of those “older” family members who has a wealth of knowledge and stories just waiting to be shared.

We spend so much time scrolling incessantly on our cell phones instead of one-on-one conversations with those who are filled with treasures to pass on. Shouldn’t we be “mining” for the gold in their stories of life and faith?

I hope this blog inspires my readers to inquire about their family’s history — what it looked like “back in their day”, who their heroes were, what helped them conquer – especially in the days without so many conveniences and technology that we have today.

Speaking of a rich family history is the one documented in God’s Holy Word – the Bible. We can learn from those who navigated the way of faith and conquer like they did. How can I do that unless I make the effort to know that heritage?

The scriptures come alive, especially as I hear some of the hair-brained mistakes made and the victories that were won by so many heroes of our faith. The history of our faith isn’t OLD NEWS. If we continue to review it and make it known to our children and our children’s children, we will pass along our RICH, FAMILY HISTORY!