Preach the Gospel — WHO Me?

October 19, 2016 Off By Donna Wuerch

I remember my early years as a Christian how difficult it was for me to share God’s “Good News” to those around me. Sure, I did my best to be a reflection of Christ’s likeness in my words and deeds in everyday life, but I wasn’t what I thought a disciple was — the one who queried “Are you a Christian? Do you want to go to heaven when you die? Do you know Jesus as your personal Savior?” Those words not only intimidated me, but they frightened me when I thought about what the response would be and how I would respond back to them. I remember my church sending us out door to door to hand out Gospel tracks and how difficult it was to engage in conversation with the people at their front doors.

Then how in the world could I be a true follower of Christ — especially since He gave those words “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creatures.” Mark 16:15

As I matured in my walk with Christ, I came to realize that when I wake up each day, I AM His disciple, His messenger, and His ambassador and devoted follower as I ensure my words are kind, generous, loving, sincere and caring and my actions are those that do reflect God’s love and mercy.

“Going into ALL the world” isn’t just about across the oceans, but it’s about the smile we offer to the cashier that can later be passed along to the weary wife, who’s grabbing lunch, and help give her the strength to hold the hand of her husband we’ll never meet as they battle cancer.

We don’t know how the kind word we speak to a friend will give her the courage she needs when she goes to her workplace and has a chance to answer the question, “What’s so different about you?”

So if we aren’t being nudged to go to Africa to serve in an orphanage, it doesn’t mean our reach is any less. It’s not any less spiritual. It’s not any less filled with potential and purpose.

We serve a God who is not boxed in by time, circumstances, or geography. He is everywhere, all the time, with everyone. His work in and through us is spontaneous, thrilling, sometimes crazy, and oftentimes the most joy-filled experience EVER. And in any given moment, if we want to know the best place to start sharing His love, all we need to do is look down at the ordinary, sacred ground right under our feet.

Everyday we have the opportunity to touch someone’s heart who will in turn touch their family’s hearts who will touch their communities and who will touch the world. All God is really asking of us is our willing heart to be His hands extended to a hurting world that needs our words of encouragement and our hands of tender loving care.