Prime THAT Pump

August 20, 2014 Off By Donna Wuerch

See that pump in the middle of our Solavei leaders and Tom Ziglar? That’s the pump used by Zig Ziglar as he gave his memorable “pump illustration”. I’ll never forget watching him, time and time again, share the story about having to put something in, to get something out, and each time it stirred me to action. He said, “You must prime the pump and pump very hard before you start getting water. Then the pumping becomes easier.” The reality is…in life, relationships and business… must put something in, before you get something out. Zig would go on to say, “Regardless of what you are doing, if you pump long enough, hard enough and enthusiastically enough, sooner or later the effort will bring forth the reward.”

I watched history being made last night. Not only was an awesome path for success, growth, and increased blessings revealed for our Solavei family, but the “It’s Happening” webcast taking place at Zig Ziglar’s headquarters in Texas caused this Mama to “have her moments”! As Zig’s son, Tom Ziglar, who is carrying his father’s legacy on, watched our live webcast, I thought about the legacy of success that Zig Ziglar had and the influence of his life on ours, and how the indelible print of success will carry on in Solavei. That’s a perfect example of the ripple effect or the butterfly effect.that can take place when we realize that WE MATTER and we can make a difference!

I was so deeply moved as I thought about Zig and my Honey looking on, and cheering us on, from heaven’s grandstands. Every room in that complex represents a man who made the difference in millions of people’s lives, including our family’s. His trainings, philosophies, principles for success in business and life — and his friendship with our family, sincerely impacted the people we are today — optimistic, relentless work ethics and audacious determination to succeed at whatever we put our hands and hearts to.

I’m so excited about the future for all of us in Solavei — history was made two years ago, and today we will continue to make history that will MAKE THE DIFFERENCE IN MILLIONS OF PEOPLE’S LIVES. It will be — after all we’re “priming the pump”! . Enjoy this clip where Zig explained “Priming the Pump”! — with Staci Wallace and 11 others at Zig Ziglar Corp.