November 9, 2017 Off By Donna Wuerch Noble

Yesterday, it was in the low 40s in Frisco and it rained, literally, all day. My kind of day! I started out sitting in front of my fireplace — sending love text notes to my children. I never made my bed — just in case I wanted to crawl back in — I did. After all, those 4 to 5 hours of sleep at night justifies a little nap during the day. I did lots of office work, made several important phone calls, had a sweet time of devotion, washed clothes, created this post (as well as a couple of other posts for another day — time well spent), and I loved every minute of this easy-go, easy-flow, RELAXING day. I looked into my bathroom when I laid down for that little middle-of-the-day nap and saw those words RELAX and I could hear two reassuring messages from God.

1) RELAX — I was feeling a little guilty about having such a care-free day, doing just what I wanted to do. But, then I remembered the last three weeks of call-of-duty with my grandsons and then my mother-in-law — that were non-stop, sometimes exhausting days. Here’s what I know. It’s okay to have a day when we can just BE. After all, we were created by God to be human BEINGS, not human DOINGS. I know that many of my younger friends dream of days like this. I was you in my busy working days, wife and little children days, Bible teacher and speaker days — and now I am here, in these days. You’ll be here one day and I urge you to savor these days, because tomorrow can be amped up, full-on, all-out exhaustive days. These are the days to refuel and get ready for firing up for the next call-of-duty.

2) RELAX — There are many things to be concerned about in my life, my family’s life, our city, country and world. How can we relax when there’s so much to do for God? After all, we are His hands extended. After all, if we don’t go, who will? After all, if I don’t take care of this and that, who will take care of it for me? Then, loud and clear — I could hear God’s voice in these words in Psalms 26:3, “Be still and know that I am God.” When He said those words, He meant it for the many troubles in King David’s life and times, and just as assuredly, He means it for you and me today. I don’t think He meant for us to actually sit in a chair and be still, but I think He meant “Be still of worry, anxiety and fear.” How many times did He say “Do not fear. Do not be afraid”? I didn’t count, but I read in my Google search, 365 times. So, then, when God says to RELAX — that means, fear is unnecessary AND is disobedient to God’s command of “Do not fear!”

Isaiah 30:15 says “For the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel says: in returning and rest shall you be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength….” I’ve been at this journey of faith long enough to be convinced that in quietness and confidence in God’s faithfulness, we will be renewed and strengthened daily. The word for quietness in Hebrew means “repose”. And repose means calm, relaxed, free from all anxiety, to be still, to lie down with support underneath (like the green pastures in Psalm 23). That was my yesterday — enjoying the green pastures of my Father — and RELAXING — because why should I worry or fret, when He can handle it all for me?