Seize the Moment. Seize the Day.

December 19, 2014 Off By Donna Wuerch

 We all have special memories that are attached to some of our Christmas treasures.  In fact, that’s one of the main reasons why we don’t mind all the extra time and effort it takes to bring them out for display each Christmas.  I have this beautiful porcelain nativity scene displayed on my kitchen counter.  A couple of days ago, I was having a “moment” and as I looked at it, I tried to recollect when, where, and why we purchased it.

But, no worries, I’ve been marking my treasures for years on the underside of the item to log when, where and the “why” so when I looked underneath, sweet thoughts and memories came flooding back.

Rarely did we EVER make a split-second (spontaneous) decision to take off a couple of days, but this time we did.  We had been smothered in work, business, and the normal, everyday challenges of life.  I don’t remember who came up with the idea, but within just a couple hours of our decision, we were headed to Branson, Missouri.    Branson was one of our favorite “get-away” rendevous places. If you’ve never been, it is well worth the trip….especially at Christmas.  We loved the entertainment choices, the restaurants, and, most of all we loved Silver Dollar City.  On this day, November 1st, 2008 — it was the first day of Christmas celebrations, decor’ Nativand shows. It was the PERFECT day to be there — because Christmas was in the air EVERYWHERE. Sweet aromas, the yummiest succotash, fried pork skins — all the pleasures of Ozark Mountain living celebrating Christmas!  And, yes, it’s CHRISTMAS there — not “holiday” or “winter festival” and in a Christmas Store, we found this Nativity treasure to help us “remember” this day.

Then to top off our couple of days, we went on the Branson Belle Showboat for a special dinner and show cruise.  Aw, the sweet precious memories,and those little treasures continue to remind me of how we “seized the moments”.

Is boredom frequently a part of your thinking?  Do day-to-day responsibilities and duties cause your life to feel humdrum?  Then I urge and encourage you to get the spark back in your life and relationships — intentionally and purposefully.  Seize the moments.  Seize the days.  Live with no regrets.  Make memories……for one day…..those memories will give you the fuel and drive to be so grateful you did.

Sweet very old words and song by Bob Hope says it best. THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES!