Serving Up Jesus in Little Ways

May 9, 2018 Off By Donna Wuerch

“Miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word; always doing the smallest right and doing it all for love.” — Thérèse de Lisieux

In my post, yesterday, I introduced St Therese of Lisieux who served God in such beautiful, “little ways”. I was amused when I saw this second photo of a St. Therese magnet that’s displayed on a refrigerator. It’s reminding that family of St. Therese’s “little ways” which includes being a baby sitter. I love that. It speaks to my heart, especially in the season I’m in when I no longer give my life 24/7 to a husband and children and not working a 9 to 5 job. In this “3rd act of my play”, I find myself doing many “little things” in many “little ways” to serve God. It’s a sweet way to live one day at a time and serving in the process. One of my “little ways” is this post and blog each day — just doing my part to spread some good news. Jesus showed us, through His actions, that serving others is important. When we truly understand what Jesus has done for us, we desperately want others to know Him and to find the same joy and hope we have. Telling people is not enough. We must show them. St. Francis of Assisi said, “Preach the Gospel at all times, and sometimes, use words.” In James 2:18, James wrote “Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.”

Our days are made up of opportunities to be “on call” to be Christ’s hands and feet. Jesus was the role model for serving up “little ways”. He took a “little boy’s” little lunch and fed an enormous crowd. He healed the blind man with a little of His spit and mixed it with dirt and made a “little” mud plaster for his eyes. He told the “little children” to come to Him. He directed the disciples to get a “little” coin out of a fish’s mouth to pay their taxes. Quite frankly, LITTLE is MUCH when God is in it.

And that is where we step up to notice the opportunities we have for living in the “little ways mentality” of SERVING UP JESUS daily! No small deeds should ever be taken for granted: taking out the trash, cleaning up the dinner dishes, baby sitting, giving an encouraging word to a cashier, sending a little note of encouragement to a friend or family member, volunteering at church, cleaning out our closets and attics and taking the unneeded items to a charity or homeless shelter. Just taking a “little” time to LISTEN, without distractions, to those in our life. So many “little ways” that will pay off in such BIG dividends!

As I type this post today, I’m thinking about someone that needs a phone call of encouragement. I’m thinking about those excess clothes that need to taken to a charity. I’m thinking about my neighbor who will be caring for her sister after surgery and I need to cook up some compassion and take them some meals.

More than the BIG, BIGGER, BIGGEST accomplishments, I desire to be known as a “little ways” friend, servant, and family member. I desire to be conscious of being Christ’s hands and feet. After all, if I don’t go, who will?