She Laughs

January 7, 2016 Off By Donna Wuerch
“She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she LAUGHS without fear of the future.” Proverbs 31:25. I sure want to be this woman. This scripture speaks of a woman who embodies the balance of strength — she is strong, holding it all together, while being able to laugh in the face of fear. She’s a woman who walks in the recognition of not only who she is, but Whose she is. No need to fear when God is her Father. I love that “SHE LAUGHS”. And, in a day when there is so much doom and gloom all around, laughing can be that “medicine” that causes us to have a merry heart, in spite of it all.

My post today was inspired by my granddaughter who is into calligraphy and when I saw what she had penned into her journal, “She Laughs. Proverbs 31:25″, I knew I had to share it with you. “She Laughs” is me, especially when I’m with my grandchildren. Just yesterday, Lexi, had me in stitches when she was posing with Storm Trooper and Kylo Ren at Penney’s.

From December 19th until January 10th, I will have been laughing way more than usual because I’ve been hanging out with my grandkids who take me to a whole new level of LAUGHING OUT LOUD. Last week, my two youngest grandsons were urging me to ride the hoverboard and the simple “try” had me laughing almost uncontrollably, and in this season of life, that can be quite interesting (I’ll leave it at that — LOL!). Here I am now, back with 15-year old Payton and 14-year old Lexi who seem to pride themselves in seeing just how much they can “tickle my funny bone”. As a matter of fact, Payton and I were laughing so hard at some internet postings, that it drew the rest of the family in to see what we were laughing about. Obviously, humor and laughter are infectious.

The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough or sniffle. Don’t you just love the “belly laugh” of someone that gets you laughing? My dear son, Larry, is that way. I love watching movies with him because his laugh spreads to others, and we can’t keep ourselves from laughing with him. When laughter is “caught”, we are bound together in joy. The medical field says humor and laughter strengthen our immune system, boosts our energy, diminishes pain, and protects us from stress. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use…..and we can’t overdose on it. Matthew 17:22 says “A merry heart does good LIKE a medicine.”

My dear husband’s passing and funeral could have been one of the saddest times, if we had let it. But, instead, it turned into a joyous time of celebration and lightheartedness. How could that be? Because we laughed at so many memories of precious, hilarious times and now he was free of pain, so we joined in with his new freedom. Laughter sincerely helped us to keep a positive, optimistic outlook through the difficult times. That laughter went a long way in making us feel so much better.

Maybe it’s time for you to try some “laughter” medicine. Pay attention to children and emulate them. They are the experts on playing, taking life lightly, and laughing. The ability to laugh, play, and have fun is such a gift from God.

I pray that you recognize that laughter just may be the needed ingredient for turning your gray skies to blue ones. So go ahead, what ever the future holds, like that Proverbs 31 woman, laughter just may be the key for you to live with “NO FEAR of the days to come.”