Shhh! Don’t Say That!
I’m the one that usually wants to put my finger to people’s lips and say “Shhh — don’t say that!” Especially when I hear them say things like “I’m so stupid”, “I can just look at a cookie, and I gain weight”, “I could never win at that”, “I’ll never be able to afford that”, “I’m too old to do that”, etc.
And, you know what? They will continue to get what they are saying and thinking. “Whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit.” (1 Peter 3:10)
I am typically an optimistic thinker and speaker. I wasn’t born that way, but through conscious effort and repetition, it’s been my mode of operation….most of the time! But, please, cut me some slack because my often less-than-tamed-tongue blurts out stupid things when I least expect it! Argh!!
Can I blame it on a “senior moment”? In all seriousness, I anticipate joy, peace, and love as the first words coming from my mouth! And I sincerely believe that, with God’s gentle nudges (and some duct tape over my mouth), I can do better with the words I speak, and the thoughts I think!
With a belief that “all things are possible” with God’s help, I can overcome any obstacle or difficulty. Optimistic and positive people really do experience happy feelings. Their eyes are bright. They’re almost always smiling. They have more energy and their whole being broadcasts good will, happiness and success.
Positive thinking and speaking is contagious, but so is negative thinking and speaking. We can be optimistic and change our thoughts and what comes out of our mouths. It’s like changing a TV channel. We don’t like what we see, so we change the channel.
In the same way, when a negative thought comes to us, rather than continuing to think that negative thought, we change the channel to something good and positive.
If we make a conscious effort to speak positive, write positive, read positive, watch positive and take actions that make us feel positive, eventually, it will be second nature for us to shift any negative focus to positive.
If we persevere, we will transform the way our mind thinks, as well as the beautiful things that will start coming our way. So, let’s start thinking before we speak. Right Thinking. Right Words. Blessed Life!
Proverbs 18:4 “A person’s words can be life-giving water; words of true wisdom are as refreshing as a bubbling brook.”