Starting the Day on the Right Track

August 20, 2016 Off By Donna Wuerch

“Think and Grow Rich” was one my husband’s favorites. Actually, my husband was an unrelenting reader and proponent of motivational and inspiring books, sources and individuals. We raised our kids on the likes of this book, as well as Zig Ziglar’s books, the Bible and many other noteworthy sources of positivity. I’m quite sure that, even of itself, is one of the reasons our two children turned out to be great sources of positivity and inspiration. Their never-give-up attitudes and being strong individuals of faith and tenacity has taken them far in the business world and in their personal lives.

So, I think you can see why this Nana loves visiting my kids in Texas — now both sets living there — in Frisco and Austin. On Thursday, just before I left Frisco for home, I was able to be a part of that morning’s devotion and prayer time with them. Maybe it’s a perk of being home-schooled that they are afforded the opportunity to start their day with an hour of solid training in those things that matter most. They have interactive readings and discussions. On that morning, we heard — of all the success stories achieved by Napoleon Hill, none was more challenging nor more gratifying than teaching his son Blair, born without ears, to have 100% hearing. He had a never-quit attitude and trust in God. What a testimony of faith! Perhaps you need this example of faith to stir you today. You can read about it here:

This Wallace Family is hit-the-ground-running, always on-the-go, turbo-charged, on mission and on target to be the best they can be in work, play and determined world changers. Their days are jammed full and once they leave that table….they are like other families — full of busy schedules and lives. But their priorities are what matter most. They’re making ginormous investments of time into their personal lives each day, at the start of that day.

I think God put it this way…..”Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and ALL these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33. What if we all had a plan of seeking our CEO, Father God, each morning about this day? What if we all had a determined purpose to DOWNLOAD His wisdom, His character and His attributes into our day, at the beginning of each day? Imagine how our day just might run smoother, our relationships, kinder, our energies, higher, and our attitudes, sweeter, once we’ve had a little one-on-one with THE ONE who we desire to be like the most. I’m thinking that on-purpose “abiding in the vine” just might cause OUR FRUIT to be tasty, salty, and light — all those qualities that will even draw others to the VINE.