Stop Drop and Pray

Stop Drop and Pray

August 29, 2023 Off By Donna Wuerch

Help! I really didn’t realize how old I was until I was on the ground and found it difficult to launch upward! That sounds funny, but it is true for many of us in our golden years. So, what do we do to get back up? We learn good techniques and practice them.

And there are good techniques we need to learn when it comes to “911-like” situations in our lives. What should we do if we are hanging on for dear life to the end of our rope? We know God’s Word and we’ve applied every relatable scripture to our challenges. We’ve done our best to stay positive, to be brave and courageous, to smile when the wind is blowing the hardest, and to keep standing when it would be easier to fall.

I have known those “last straw” times. Those times when we’ve done all we can do, yet nothing changed. In fact some things had been hanging on like barnacles on a boat. Maybe you have known those “it was the last straw” times, too!

Words like “I can’t take it anymore!” come out of our mouths. So, what do we do at times like that? Warm embraces from a friend help and words like “It’s gonna be alright” or “I’ll be praying for you” are somewhat comforting, but, what we need is RIGHT NOW 9-1-1 help!

Those are 9-1-1 times when we need to STOP – DROP – and PRAY! If that friend was in a burning house, would we tell them, “We’ll be praying for you! It’s gonna’ be alright!” Or, would we run in and grab hold of their hand and pull them out of the fire.

I have had those moments when I did STOP — DROP and PRAY. It makes no sense to just comfort someone or speak to someone, offering positive words. We/They need a breakthrough and it is time to serve notice on the enemy that he has lost his fight.

When Goliath was on little David’s last nerve, David picked up a stone and sling and took Goliath down with one fell swoop. There are times when we have to take matters into God’s hands through strong, fervent, faith-in-action prayers.

When someone (even you and me) need 9-1-1 help, those “Now I lay me down to sleep” prayers don’t cut the mustard. It is the kind of prayers of Isaiah 59:19 that we need: “When the enemy comes in — LIKE A FLOOD — God raises up a standard” kind of prayer.

So often, a turnaround comes and sweet peace takes over when we realize that our God is bigger than our problems. “Find rest, oh my soul, in God alone. My help comes from Him.” Psalm 62:5.

I like to think that GOD shows up when we call upon Him. He’s got this situation. He’s got us! Whatever the case may be for you, a friend or loved one today, let’s determine to be a 9-1-1 friend to others and to ourselves to STOP, DROP and PRAY right now!