Stuck in the MIDDLE?

February 6, 2018 Off By Donna Wuerch

The MIDDLE: the center, an equal distance from the extremities of something; halfway, a position at an equal distance from the sides, edges or ends. The middle child. The one in the middle of a circle. The piano’s middle “C”. The middle of the night.

I know what being stuck in the MIDDLE is all about. I started out strong in a challenging “stormy” season. I was determined to ride out this storm in relentless faith. I kept saying “We’re on the brink of a miracle. I just know it.” A new day came, and we’d proclaim “God’s mercies are new every morning!” But, there were still no changes and, what seemed to be no answer to our prayers. It was getting darker by the minute. Initially, I hit those challenges with courage head-on, but as the battle persisted, I became bone weary in the fight. I know God’s Word enough to “have the faith of a mustard seed and speak to the mountain and say ‘Be removed’, and I know how to “stand, and when I’ve done all to stand, keep standing”, and I know Jesus “approved” of those who had great faith, and I didn’t want to be one of those “Oh ye, of little faith” followers. But I – rather, we, seemed to be STUCK in the MIDDLE of this storm.

The fact is, in most all circumstances, problems don’t disappear overnight. More often than not, we just keep moving through them with slow, persistent diligence and consistency. As much as I’d love to think that this life of living for God was “Easy Street” or “Comfort Road”, quite often, there are MIDDLE hills and valleys and detours of working through something – in the space between moving on courageously and waiting for something to change. In that space, it’s quite natural to lose our gumption to function. Hope gets buried beneath piles of defeated thinking, and we’re sure we’ve planted in the wrong fields or hung with the wrong people, or made the wrong decisions or wrong moves.

In Exodus 14, we see that Moses and the Israelites were stuck in the MIDDLE . Pharaoh had just freed them from captivity when the Lord led Moses and His people out and away from Egypt. But shortly thereafter, Pharaoh changed his mind and went after them. As the Israelites camped near the Red Sea, soon all of Pharaoh’s army barreled down on them. When the Israelites saw them approaching, they were full of fear and began to question every move that brought them there. Moses spoke up “Fear not, stand firm . . the Lord will fight for you.” Exodus 14:13-14

I loved this scene from the movie, “The Ten Commandments” when the Lord parted the Red Sea waters and the Israelites went through on a dry path. Charlton Heston (rather, Moses) led the Israelites across to the other side unharmed, and then the big finale was when God brought the waters back together again over the Egyptian army. The Israelites were scared, yes, but they saw the promise fulfilled: “The Lord will fight for you”.

I don’t know the details of your circumstances or situation, but if you’re worn out from running from the enemy and fear is making you question where you’re at right now, please hear this: Keep on keepin’ on. You’ve got this.”The Lord will fight for you!”

Psalm 31:24 says it like this: “Be strong, and let your heart take courage; all you who wait for the Lord.” It doesn’t say HAVE courage. It says TAKE courage. Keep on keeping company with Christ and ask Him to make you tenacious in faith, to take your fears and to give you courage to not only face the Red Sea – but to walk across unscathed. Bravery is not the absence of fear but following God through the fear as we believe God’s promises. It’s holding on to the facts of our faith more tightly than to the fears for our future. I promise you – I know it’s true. This MIDDLE season will not be wasted. It will not last.

Jesus Christ freely gave Himself to be “stuck in the MIDDLE” of the cross, in the MIDDLE of two thieves — even though He could have called 10,000 angels to free Him, but didn’t. He FREELY gave His life “in the MIDDLE” for you and me. Best of all — He died, and in the MIDDLE he was buried, but on the third day rose out of that grave to FREE you and me from being STUCK in the MIDDLE. Just maybe, right smack dab in the MIDDLE of our circumstances God is wanting us to let go of the doubts, fears and worries, because He isn’t surprised about our MIDDLE. It’s probably just the tip of the mountaintop where we’ll slide right down into the Finish Line of what He has prepared for us. So….“Hold on, my child – JOY COMES IN THE MORNING!” (Psalm 30:5)