Sweet Times Between Papaw and Daddy

March 11, 2015 Off By Donna Wuerch

Day 69 of Photo Inspirations – Sweet Times Between Papaw & Daddy
While my kids were in Tulsa last weekend, Staci and I got to grab a whole afternoon together — a rare opportunity.  We found ourselves chatting a lot about her Daddy (my Honey) and the influences he had had on her life.  Seems that she got so many of his genes — the ambitious, passionate, over-achiever, multi-talented, creative ones and the dreamer ones. And, often, those are the genes that keep her awake at night — multi-tasking when she is trying to sleep.

Driving to our next destination, and still talking about her Daddy, we found ourselves driving by the cemetery where he is buried. At first we were just going to wave as we drove by, but then we were just too close, not to stop for a visit.  Honestly, I  don’t need to go there.  I  don’t need to go where he is NOT, but I appreciate that there are those that do need to go and  pay their respects and remember. Remembering the sweet times are a part of my daily routine.  

Not having been there in a while, we couldn’t find his gravesite.  We drove up and down rows.  I said, “What kind of wife am I that I don’t even know where my husband is?”  Right on queue, Staci  remarked…..”You DO know where he is…..and it’s sure not here!”   We laughed, but I know that’s why I don’t go there often for a visit, because I DO know where he is.  Eventually we found the site where my Honey and his Dad are buried.  We had a little one-way talk with them and asked for their intercessions for us.  Why not?  They’re close to God’s throne now, so if their prayers were effective here, how much more so in heaven!

It excites me to think that we’ll have a great reunion one day.  I do my best to meet each day’s challenges and circumstances with the mindset “In the light of eternity”.  It really puts perspective on the many activities and circumstances that seem so important — but are really so trivial and unworthy of attention.  God has purpose for us to live strong on this side of heaven, but thanks be to God — it doesn’t end there.  His plan offers us the opportunity BEYOND our lifetime.  So you won’t find me living among the dead.  I’m just too busy living among the living and just seeing how many I can take with me!