Tag: adventures

No More Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda

You know those three little words: “I should have,” “I would have,” “I could have” — followed by a list of excuses longer than a CVS receipt. Well, I’ve decided I’m done with them. No more standing at the crossroads of hesitation. No more tiptoeing around opportunities. It’s time to trade in the “shoulds” for…

By Donna Wuerch Noble February 3, 2025 Off

Let’s Keep Playing

Isn’t it easy for the ho-humness demands of daily life to take us to the town of Grumpydom! Well, not on my watch! I’m steering clear of that dreary place! You’ll find me on the joy-of-life express, and I want you to hop aboard with me. So many folks are caught up in the humdrum…

By Donna Wuerch Noble July 1, 2024 Off

My Rolling in the Hay Adventures

Not only do I blog every day, but I also write in my journal the highlights of each day — the “God” encounters, the strange, the off-kilter, the wacky, and the wild adventures. Truly I amuse myself. Believe me, I have plenty to write about — even outside of my normal routine. A couple of…

By Donna Wuerch Noble June 30, 2019 Off

Go Outside and Make Soup

“I’m so bored!” Famous words from kids during their summer vacation. Did you complain of boredom when you were a kid? I did. My Mom’s reply to that – “Go outside and make soup.” WHAT? Oh, I knew what she meant. She wanted me to go outside and play, because that’s where we had lots…

By Donna Wuerch Noble July 26, 2016 Off