Tag: assignment

When We’ve Run Out of Hope…..

This is my second day in a row to blog about hope. Maybe it has to do with some of the assignments God has given me in the last few months to encourage others to hold onto hope. So many are sick. Sick and tired. Sick of hearing so much negativity and hate. Sick of…

By Donna Wuerch Noble June 18, 2019 Off

Beam Me Up, Scotty!

Yesterday I stopped by my children’s home and I saw this aluminum foil creation with a point on the top (and, of course, a bow to show it was designed with a woman in mind!). Alexia (my creative granddaughter) had made it the night before. I’m not sure where her imagination was going to but…

By Donna Wuerch Noble August 18, 2018 Off


In honor of this month of MARCH, and in honor of our service men and women who, on our behalf, are MARCHING to the beat of the love of their country, my word for today is MARCH. It’s MARCH 4th — the only day of the year that can also be a sentence — MARCH…

By Donna Wuerch Noble March 4, 2018 Off

We’re Thoroughbreds in the Making

Each of us have our own assignment to fulfill and we were created, individually and uniquely, to run our OWN race. We might think, “If I just had their good looks, or money, or their skills, or their talent — I could be successful.” Bottom line — God’s sovereign hand of blessing is on OUR…

By Donna Wuerch Noble October 12, 2016 Off


Day 301 of Photo Inspirations — DisAPPOINTMENT or His APPOINTMENT Did some-ONE or some-THING really disappoint you?   We can’t stop disappointment, but we can stop staying stuck in it. I know how easy it is to dwell on something or someone that hurt me.  But, that gets us nowhere.  I remember the void I…

By Donna Wuerch Noble November 3, 2015 Off

I Was Hungry and You Fed Me

My Life Group meets at my home every Thursday night. These women are amazing, faith-filled, fully devoted followers of Christ, and I’m inspired by them every week. It seems that God hand-picked our group — each one has unique talents and abilities, and has unique circumstances going on their life, but watching how God answers…

By Donna Wuerch Noble September 5, 2014 Off

No Man is an Island

English poet John Donne penned the words: “No man is an island”, which paved the way for this beautiful song: “No man is an island, No man stands alone. Each man’s joy is joy to me. Each man’s grief is my own. We need one another, so I will defend Each man as my brother,…

By Donna Wuerch Noble May 20, 2014 Off