Tag: ballerina

God’s Grace. My Grace.

First let’s talk about God’s good grace — His unmerited favor on us. It was God’s “Amazing Grace” how sweet the sound that saved ME and saved the day FOR ME way more times than I deserve. And, close to home, was God’s grace to my beloved nephew many times over in his life, but…

By Donna Wuerch October 16, 2021 Off

What Do You Aspire To?

How sweet it was to watch my granddaughter, Lexi, and her friend, Emma, reconnect last week after having been apart for several years. They knew each other from Seattle and then their families moved away — Emma’s family moved to Austin and Lexi’s to Frisco. I loved listening and watching them do what girls do….nails,…

By Donna Wuerch May 10, 2016 Off