God’s Grace. My Grace.

God’s Grace. My Grace.

October 16, 2021 Off By Donna Wuerch

First let’s talk about God’s good grace — His unmerited favor on us. It was God’s “Amazing Grace” how sweet the sound that saved ME and saved the day FOR ME way more times than I deserve. And, close to home, was God’s grace to my beloved nephew many times over in his life, but most significant was an urgent triple bypass heart surgery he had to have on Thursday. He didn’t have a heart doctor, but God knew the best for this emergency surgery – the Professor of Surgery at Oklahoma University’s Medical Center. I spoke with my nephew, heard his words to me: “I love you so much!” the day after his surgery. It made me know God’s grace again.

God’s grace. Today, my prayer is that we’ll see this word again for the first time. I think grace is most fully understood through our own experiences and those of others, like my nephew. God’s abundant grace. But, this blog today is to persuade us all to have unmerited favor and grace toward others. In other words….the grace given to us by God – to pay it forward. When I think of someone who is graceful, I think of a ballerina who moves in fluid, smooth lines. I think of someone who seems to float more than walk. That person is not me. Not at all! And that’s not the “grace” I’m speaking of today. I’m talking about grace-filled lives. Grace-filled families. A grace-filled me! A grace-filled person is one who is so full of God’s love that they stop before they react to THAT person’s comments or actions and before they assess the situation to see if that person or situation is one that needs grace more than reproof.

I want to be that grace-filled person. (Honestly, I wouldn’t mind being more graceful either. I have been known to plant-face, stumble over a rock, get my heel stuck in a return air vent going down the aisle at church, burn myself when I tried to iron my shirt – with it on, etc. etc. But, I digress.) I know I can’t do life on my own. I need more of God’s good grace. Though I have stumbled many times with this physical body, I have stumbled in my grace toward others. Thank God – He is filled with grace and mercy. I serve a God who sees the inside of me and who stills loves me in spite of it all. In fact, He loves me so much that He sent His Son to die for me. Talk about grace!

I’ve heard those grace messages and I’ve even memorized many of those grace scriptures. But what has taught me the most? My own story and the stories of others who have fully experienced grace. Grace – given to us when we deserved a failing grade; grace that opened up career doors for us; the grace of blessing us with our spouse and children. It was grace that we were spared from that “almost” auto accident or that horrific storm.

We can never sink so far that God’s grace will not reach us. At the same time, grace does not leave us there. It causes us to demonstrate that grace to others in words and actions. It’s my prayer for you and I not to miss grace in our lives so much so that no matter what has been done to us, that we will choose grace for others. Making daily decisions of pouring out grace to others as grace has been poured out to us. We once were lost, but now we’re found. We were blind, but now we see! Our grace-filled Lord, please help us to be as free with grace to others – as you have been to us.