Tag: be the light

Let There Be Light

We all experienced times of darkness in our lives. There’s just no way to escape it: a season of regret, a time of the passing of a loved one, a debilitating illness, a financial set back, bad decisions, a huge disappointment, and so many more occasions to “be in the dark”. Here’s the truth about…

By Donna Wuerch May 20, 2016 Off

Be Like Rudolph. Let Your Light Shine.

In just a few hours, I’ll be heading to the airport to fly to Seattle to be with my Washington family. I’ll be joining the multitudes that are crowding into airports, shopping malls, restaurants and onto the highways this week of Christmas. Maybe people are crowding into your home, your schedule, and your plans.  What…

By Donna Wuerch December 22, 2014 Off