Let There Be Light

May 20, 2016 Off By Donna Wuerch

We all experienced times of darkness in our lives. There’s just no way to escape it: a season of regret, a time of the passing of a loved one, a debilitating illness, a financial set back, bad decisions, a huge disappointment, and so many more occasions to “be in the dark”.

Here’s the truth about darkness. Darkness is absent of light. Think about it. The more we dwell on our negative feelings or confront someone that is negative, the darker it becomes. The more we listen to the news about wars and politics and economy failures, the darker it seems to get. But we have the power within our grasp to change all that. All we have to do is switch on the light.

Since creation, God has illuminated our world’s dark places. He started it all when He said, “Let there be light,” and there was light”. –Genesis 1:4

The room in this photo was pitch dark. It was absent of light. But, when the light came on, the room was illuminated so much that darkness was dispelled.

We have been called to be LIGHT BEARERS. If our little lights are shining out from within, we can BE THE LIGHTS that brighten our world. On the other hand, if our lights are dim, even out, not only will we not brighten the corners where we are, but we may very well be the circuit breaker switch that darkens the whole room. How does that happen? When we are complaining, whiny, bitter, angry, cynical, fearful, and anxious, darkness enters. We have a choice, stay there or TURN ON THE LIGHT because when LIGHT stands next to DARKNESS, LIGHT will always win.

First Jesus said, “I am the Light of the world”, then he turned around and flipped it and said to us, “You are the LIGHT of the world.” So, let’s BE THE LIGHT in our family, our neighborhood, our workplace, our church and our world and watch DARKNESS flee in terror!!