BFFs! I Bring You Tidings of Great Joy!
That’s what I said to my BFFs when I arrived at their home here in Tulsa! Yay! For a few days, I’m back “home” to Tulsa where I have a ton of memories along with a boatload of treasured friends and family that I love so much. Forty years here can sure roll back…
That’s Onomatopoeia: POW, BOOM, BAM
My BFF from Tulsa came to see me on Thursday. We make every moment count when we’re together. We call ourselves “Ethel and Lucy” because we can sure have some hilarious (without even trying) times. We were in that mode at Hobby Lobby and then yesterday, just before she headed on her way to her…
I Am a Friend of God
As a young girl, I wasn’t in with the “in” crowd when I was in school. I was by no means one of those popular girls that hung out with those cool cheerleaders and the hunky football team. I wasn’t even in the “nerd” crowd because I sure wasn’t a really smart kid either. I…
What are Your Credentials?
My sweet BFF, Sheila Michie, is shout-from-the-mountain proud of her son AND his new credentials, M.D. (Doctor of Medicine). He earned that title and suffix after his name, following many years of hard work, intense training, preparation, and much effort! Joseph worked hard for the right to place them next to his name. and along…