To Have Friends, Show Yourself Friendly

June 27, 2015 Off By Donna Wuerch

Day 173 of Photo Inspirations – To Have Friends, Show Yourself Friendly
Don’t you love it when someone texts or calls unexpectedly and invites you to dinner tonight?  You don’t have to cook, or think about where to eat out, and you get to spend time with friends.

Proverbs 18:24 says:  “To have friends, show yourself friendly.”   The Proverbs contain much wisdom about being a friend and HOW to find a friend.

I’ve heard adults and children say that they didn’t have any friends or that they had trouble finding friends.  And there’s probably a reason for it.  There is a key to having loyal friends or making friends in the first place.  We have to show ourselves friendly.   What I witnessed last night took that statement to a whole new level.

Back to my first paragraph – “Don’t you love it when someone texts or calls you unexpectedly, and invites you to dinner?”  That happened yesterday afternoon.  Two weeks ago, a new couple moved into their new home here in my neighborhood.  Usually, typical new homeowners would be thinking “I wonder if anyone will come over and welcome us to the neighborhood.”  But not this new couple.  They didn’t wait for someone else to show themselves friendly.  They stepped up to BE FRIENDLY.  The text went like this:  Meatloaf, potatoes & tomatoes & probably salad or fresh corn.  Wine (communion) at 5:30 & dinner sometime around 6:00 or 6:30!  Hope you can make it!  Pass the word!”  I thought,  “WHAT?  They just moved in here and they’re inviting us to their home before we can show ourselves friendly.”  They want friends, so they showed themselves friendly.  I called to confirm what that text meant — and it was meant for all the single women in this community.  She and her husband went out of their way to show themselves friendly to all 8 of us.  I was so blessed by their unselfish gesture.  We got to know them — a beautiful couple who share their life and faith with complete authenticity.  It’s easy to tell they talk the talk AND walk the walk.

I saw a precious couple go the extra mile – by setting a new standard — “Don’t wait for someone else to be friendly….YOU BE the one to show yourself friendly — and while you’re doing that… just might find a BFF!
P.S.  Love my Selfie Stick!!!  LOL!