Our Rich Family History
Last Sunday as we sat around the table, we talked about our “first memories” as a child. Larry said: “I was very young and my mom and I lived in a small one-bedroom apartment. The little fold-up bed I slept on had a plastic cover on the mattress and the sound of the plastic when…
My Teachers Bribed Me
As a child, I remember memorizing many scripture verses. We were “bribed” by our Sunday School teachers to learn and quote them by heart. If we did, we’d receive prizes and rewards. Right or wrong, it worked for me, because I know those scriptures from memory and I live by them still today. For any…
I Confess. I am a Martha-holic.
I love that gal so much. She speaks up and says what I’ve only wished I could say. I toil and am busy making sure everything is just right. I spend hours in the kitchen doing pre-event planning, cooking and baking and then the day of the event, I am the first to arrive and…
Write the Vision and Make it Plain
When my daughter was single, she made quite the list (100 items to be exact) of all the qualities she was hoping for in a future husband. She wrote out her vision and she made it VERY plain. When Larry came along, initially, he was about 95 out of the 100. But, the longer they…
What Would the Walls of Your Home Say About You?
I sit here at my dear friends’ kitchen counter in the wee hours of the morning working on my post for this day. There are two little kitchen lamps dimly shining so mostly darkness surrounds me. Then I look across to the other side of the kitchen and there is the lighted manger scene glowing…
Let’s Meet Him at the Well
Every morning, I’m up and at ‘em by 5:30 am to look over the text of my blog one more time before I hit the “post” button. Not long after that, I send my morning “I love you” text messages to my children. I’m like clock-work with my daily deliveries – on FB, my blogger…
For Such a Time As This
Queen Esther is one of my heroes of faith. Her example proves my point about being motive-driven. I love her story. She risked death by her boldness as she spoke out for her people Israel. I often quote from her story when I, or my friends, are having to make some really tough life decisions…
God’s Road Map — the Surest Way to Stay on Course
Road Map – a map, a plan or strategy intended to reach and achieve a particular goal………..A couple of weeks ago I was asked to share my favorite daily devotion with a group of new Christians. It was easy for me to share, because this “book” has been my daily “road map” all my life.…
It’s Not Broken — Just Wrong Programming
Yesterday afternoon, I went to the fitness center in my community to run on the treadmill. As I ran, I watched the Dallas Cowboys game and they got off to a great start but, apparently they were “out of order” because they lost to Atlanta 7 to 27. On the same note, occasionally, you’ll see…
Animal Lovers & People Lovers — Let’s Unite!!
I was having my early-morning devotion on the Wuerch Family’s back patio when Bryson, my 10 year old joined me. Oh how I love that boy and the “talks” we have. We started talking about how crazy the world seems and what a shame it is that people are being so ugly to each other.…