The Lord is My Strength AND My Song

June 27, 2015 Off By Donna Wuerch

Day 173 of Photo Inspirations – God Gave the Song
This photo is of a cherished cross that my sweet niece, Cassidy Lawrence​ gave me for Mother’s Day.  It sits on the book shelf in my office. Inscribed is  “The Lord is my strength and MY SONG and has become my salvation.”  Exodus 15:2.  Indeed, the Lord is my strength and MY SONG.

Music has been a part of my life from early on.  I took piano lessons for 7 years, sang in a Children’s Choir and Adult Choir, played in the band in High School, sang and played the piano and organ as a member of the Masters IV Quartette.  Music has been central to our family’s lives — writing, recording, and singing songs.  Music is so powerful.  It heightens our emotions, calms our fears, brings light into dark places, and gives us the overflowing joy to not resist dancing, clapping or tapping to the beat.

It’s no surprise that God is called MY SONG in this scripture.  In that instance MY SONG was the name that Moses used to describe God as he celebrated the miraculous deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt.  Moses just HAD TO sing because his heart couldn’t contain the gratitude and awe he felt for God.  He called the Lord MY SONG.  He felt compelled to worship.  God had freed and SAVED His people through the orchestration of miracle after miracle.  How could they not respond in grateful worship?   I totally get that.

I love hearing my granddaughter sing from her toes when she is listening to music with her earphones on. She can’t help herself.   We don’t hear the music, but we hear her belting out a song with all out abandonment from the world around her.

Shouldn’t we be belting out songs, too?  If God is our SONG, then how can we not sing?  How can we not find a song – OUR SONG, God – in both the everyday routine and in the miraculous of our lives.  I just HAVE to sing because my heart can’t contain the gratitude and awe I FEEL for God.  Like Moses and the Israelites, He has been my salvation over and over again.

Bill Gather’s words in “God Gives the Song” are my words, too.  “You ask me why my heart keeps singing, why I can sing when things go wrong.  Since I’ve found THE SOURCE of music, I just can’t help it. God gave the song.”  Yes, God is OUR SONG!