He’s Still Working on Me
Once upon a time I was the director of our Children’s Choir at our church in Oklahoma. A couple of days ago I was singing one of those songs that I would have thought would be long forgotten! Amazing, these computers inside of us that can search and find. I was singing this song: “He’s…
Child Like Faith is Born
One of my fondest memories, as a child, was memorizing a Christmas poem for my church’s Children’s Christmas Program. It may have been the simplest of words “Christmas is a time of joy. It started with a baby boy. He came to save us from our sins. Won’t you let him be your friend?” But…
I Am a Promise and a Possibility!
I directed a Children’s Choir many years ago, and I’ll never forget the joy of teaching them songs that not only spoke of God’s love for them but those that caused them, when they sang the words, to be speaking great affirmations over themselves. My own two children, at ages around 10 and 8, were…
Christmas is for Children — of All Ages
Oh how the memories roll like a film during this time of year when we see a Christmas program, a play, light displays, hear a song or anything that creates a “blast from the past”. That happened for me on Sunday when my two youngest grandsons were in their church’s Children’s Christmas program — singing…