Feel Like Quitting — Already?
It’s only day eight of 2025, and maybe you’re eyeing those New Year resolutions like leftovers in the back of the fridge? As for me? I just finished a piece of fudge, reassuring myself, “New health leaf starts Monday… or the Monday after that.” Priorities, right? Honestly, there are too many things to juggle —…
A Little Chat about Grace
I live in God’s grace. I just know it. We all do! No matter what kind of mistake(s) we make, there is always a solution for restitution. It comes in the form of grace. It is God’s grace that heals and restores. He exchanges our tarnished slate for a fresh, clean slate so we can…
Brand New Year. Brand New Life.
It’s a brand-new year — 2023! And best, news, ever……according to 2 Corinthians 5:17 “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” If only that were true when it comes to poor health, broken hearts, sad songs, relationship debacles and…
My Sin Found Me Out
As the saga played out, I was writing this blog in my head and taking photos to bear witness to my conundrum. I saw the swirling red lights and heard the screeching siren behind me. No thought of concern because I was staying within the speed limit and making good time to Austin after a…
A Happy and Blessed New Year to You and Yours
I really mean it when I say: “Happy and Blessed New Year!” Oh that I were a wise prophet promising that 2022 is going to be a banner year of multiplied blessings for all. I’m not a prophet, but I assure you that God promised an abundant life to us (John 10:10), so we might…
Seeing Through God’s Eyes
Last Sunday I heard a beautiful message. “Imagine you are a blank slate and there is no data in you. No more past failures or troubles. No influences. On this first day you find out there is a God who created you in His own image. (Genesis 1:27). Really? I’m like God! Awesome! Then the…
A Hearty Welcome to Christmas!
I think Advent and Christmas have been welcomed this year like a gigantic, band-playing, dancers-dancing, and gorgeous floats rolling along like a Christmas parade. I went to many of those Christmas parades in downtown Dallas when I was a kid. Oh, the anticipation for the last float – Santa! As 2020 is coming to a…
Has Grace Got You?
My Saturday early morning walk with my two fur-friends before the blistering heat made its way to us, gave me these two photo opts. I saw this beautiful Grace Church in front of me and the street sign read: “Grace Street”. We turned east and ran into this morning glory of God’s grace shining through…
What is Puzzling You?
Fun photo of my Larry and Staci working hard on a jigsaw puzzle together. Not! Not the puzzle because it was lying there waiting for attention, but asking these two, who were very busy working at their computers, to pretend they had the time on this day to find a few pieces and connect them.…
Do You Feel Like Quitting — Already?
It’s just day three of 2019 and maybe you’re already feeling like quitting before you ever really get started on your New Year’s resolutions. I plan on spending more time with the Lord in the mornings, but “This morning I need to shorten it up because I have a funeral to go to!” I plan…