Tag: clothes

A Rainy Morning Lesson on Vanity

It’s Sunday morning. Last night I laid the clothes out that I’m wearing to church this morning. It’s an early one. I must be there to sign in by 7:30 am. I’m doing my best to give away clothes that I haven’t worn in a year, so I pull out an outfit I haven’t worn…

By Donna Wuerch August 5, 2019 Off

Got Your Clothes On Yet?

Now that’s a loaded question. The answer could be “yes”, even if you’ve got your jammies on, your swimsuit on or a 3-piece suit on. The fact is, we usually clothe ourselves according to the occasion. A t-shirt and shorts may mean a comfortable afternoon at home. A silky chiffon dress might mean a special…

By Donna Wuerch May 16, 2016 Off