Got Your Clothes On Yet?

May 16, 2016 Off By Donna Wuerch

Now that’s a loaded question. The answer could be “yes”, even if you’ve got your jammies on, your swimsuit on or a 3-piece suit on.

The fact is, we usually clothe ourselves according to the occasion.

A t-shirt and shorts may mean a comfortable afternoon at home. A silky chiffon dress might mean a special night out. An athletic shirt and tights might mean you’re headed to the gym.

In Colossians 3:12, God’s people are encouraged to clothe themselves with five distinct attributes of Christ. Not for a special occasion, but for every day. So when we’re asked “Got your clothes on yet?” — these are the clothes that really matter regardless how we’re stylin’ or what “threads” we have on:

~ Clothes yourselves with compassion. Compassion is a way of living that reaches others with the hands and feet of Christ in very practical and loving ways.

~ Clothes yourselves with kindness. Kindness can be an encouraging word to a friend or a gesture that says, “I see you. You matter.” Kindness is a way of living that finds such great pleasure in making others feel cared about.

~ Clothes yourselves with humility. Humility is the epitome of selflessness. It’s a way of living that looks to others first, because they genuinely care.

~ Clothes yourselves with gentleness. Gentleness is a way of living that expresses quiet, peaceful and calmness in our approach with others.

~ Clothes yourselves with patience. Patience a calm, peaceful endurance. It is a way of living that accepts God’s timing as perfect timing, trusting Him Who holds all things in His hands.

As God’s dearly loved children, that before we put on our daily clothing attire, may we clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience . . . each and every day, then we’ll answer that question, “I’ve got my best outfit on today!”