Tag: counsel

Fine-Tuning Our Focus

From mid-June until now, I’ve been focused on VBS kiddos, then I hopped right into focus on 4-legged kiddos at my children’s place then to my 2-legged grand-kiddos at my home, back to focus on my children in Austin, and now back home to the two 4-legged furry kiddos of my Frisco family while they’re…

By Donna Wuerch July 27, 2019 Off

Daddy’s Girl

Yesterday was my girl’s birthday and, quite unlike me, I wasn’t with her because I was on “Nana Duty” in Austin. I called her and we talked about how much she was always a Daddy’s Girl. No, he wasn’t the hands-on, diaper changing, feeding or the one who got up with her in the middle…

By Donna Wuerch December 9, 2018 Off