Daddy’s Girl

December 9, 2018 Off By Donna Wuerch

Yesterday was my girl’s birthday and, quite unlike me, I wasn’t with her because I was on “Nana Duty” in Austin. I called her and we talked about how much she was always a Daddy’s Girl. No, he wasn’t the hands-on, diaper changing, feeding or the one who got up with her in the middle of the night – that’s when she was Mama’s girl. But when it came to matters of seizing the opportunity to turn her little “charcoal” into a “diamond”, he showed up. She was his “project”. He saw her God-given abilities and was relentless in cultivating her talents the rest of his life. He never stopped encouraging her and giving her wise advice. And, because she embraced his words, more and more doors opened to her.

Staci was in 20-degrees Colorado last week and I asked when we talked by phone, “I hear your Dad’s voice…..’Are you wearing a coat?’” He was known for being the “mother hen” to be sure she was taking care of her voice. Then with her travels, “Did you take your soundtracks?” (Randomly, she would be asked to sing at an event, and he wanted her to always be prepared.) I still hear him advising her: “Stop talking so much – you need to rest your voice!” “Pronounce your words clearly!” “Smile!” “Get closer to the mic!” She gives her Daddy so much credit for who she is today. I’ve proudly loved their relationship. He was her knight in shining armor and I was so thrilled to witness their unbreakable bond that grew beyond imagination.

She knows that it has never bothered me that she gives her Dad so much credit for who she is today. He was, himself, incredibly talented, and he poured those talents into her, both genetically and with hours upon hours of personal training. His investment into her has paid off in monumental ways.

As I drove to Austin, I was thinking about my relationship with my Father – not my earthly Dad, because he was very sick and passed away when I was 15, but my Heavenly Father. I’m Daddy’s Girl, too! There were times when I was struggling with “stuff” and I envisioned myself crawling up in God’s lap and seeing Him wrapping His arms around me and assuring me “Everything’s gonna’ be alright!” And, it was. I’m a Daddy’s Girl. I assure you I know how much He loves me. I have come to know His protection and security. He instructs me daily through His Holy Spirit Who lives big in me. I know it is Him when I’m reminded to do this or that better. When I feel less than proud of myself, He’ll remind me how proud He is of me.

Let me assure you “YOU are God’s girl or boy, too!” Our Father loves us. How do we know that we are fully loved by God? Because His Word tells us so. One of my favorite verses that talks about the depth of God’s love is found in Psalm 103:11: “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for those who fear Him.” He believes in us and is eager to help when we ask Him. He is for us as our protector, mentor, helper, and friend.

The more I sense God’s love, the more I know I’m Daddy’s girl.
My girl didn’t have to earn her Daddy’s love. And neither do we have to earn God’s love. God’s love is stronger and deeper than any human father’s love. In God, we have a Dad Who knows us and understands us better than anyone. He sees our heart and desire to be good; He sees our struggles and how we are drawn to things that aren’t good for us. He is always there to listen and help when we pray to Him with a sincere and humble heart. “For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry.” Psalm 34:15.