Tag: difference

Don’t Be Normal. Be Different. Take the High Road.

How “different” are we from what is “normal” to others? Some say that “It’s NORMAL to be stressed, fearful, overwhelmed, exhausted, angry, sad, speaking hateful about people, and on and on. “Normal” to some is ranting and raving right along with all those who are dissatisfied with politics and politicians. My contention is that “normal”…

By Donna Wuerch June 10, 2016 Off

Superman vs Clark Kent Faith

Some life situations call for a spontaneous, heroic faith that is swift to action — those situations that don’t allow time to survey the situation or even pray for hours to muster up our courage. That’s when our spiritual “Superman”, who lives inside us and is infused with God’s wisdom and power wants to take…

By Donna Wuerch August 5, 2014 Off

Reach Out and Touch Someone

We all know the power of a caring touch. The doctor who treated us, the teacher that dried our tears, the hand holding ours at a funeral, the hand of our sweetheart reaching out to hold ours, or a handshake of welcome at an event?Shouldn’t we be reaching out touching others also? Many of us…

By Donna Wuerch May 14, 2014 Off