Superman vs Clark Kent Faith

August 5, 2014 Off By Donna Wuerch

Some life situations call for a spontaneous, heroic faith that is swift to action — those situations that don’t allow time to survey the situation or even pray for hours to muster up our courage.

That’s when our spiritual “Superman”, who lives inside us and is infused with God’s wisdom and power wants to take charge, but the “Clark Kent” mentality of holding back, and even stopping us dead in our tracks, takes over.

But remember THE Superman who lives in us — God Almighty!! There just may be situations today that call for an immediate response of faith — like a friend in pain, and we quickly offer to pray with them, or someone in despair, and we don’t hesitate to encourage them, or helping a friend in need….NOW, or taking a leap of faith in making a family decision or jumping into a new business opportunity. Let’s charge up with God’s “super” powers and make the difference in our world today!!