We are Not a DIY Project
Life is full of moments when we roll up our sleeves and tackle things on our own — kind of like a do-it-yourself project. I’ve had plenty of those projects that required the right number of nails, bolts, right sized boards, paint, etc. etc. Sometimes the project ended with giving me a sense of accomplishment.…
Fill ‘er Up
That’s what we said – long before we had do-it-yourself gas stations. Once upon a time, there were full-service gas stations. That meant the attendant would wash our front windows, air up our tires and fill the car up with gas. Long gone are those days. And, spiritually, when it comes to getting full service…
No Thanks! I Can Do It Myself!
Funny how, in this independent mindset that we hold on to for so long, we become almost TOO GOOD at being self-sufficient. I’m guilty as charged. Fortunately, there have been very few things that I can’t do myself these days, especially in this age of being able to google just about anything to DIY (do…
Total Recall Matters
Monday, my 54-years-of-life son ran his 54th 26.2 marathon. And it gets better. It was his 13th-in-a-row Boston Marathon run. That is enough to celebrate, but for this mama, it represents “Nothing is impossible with God!” These photos represent God’s goodness and mercies, which includes our precious Shawntel who is Ryan’s most devoted cheerleader and…
It’s a DIY World
I get regular emails from my dear friends, Ree Drummond, Joanne Gaines and other DIY people. Well, they don’t know me from Adam, but I like to think that I can cook like Ree and make over homes like Joanne. “Do It Yourself” is the trend these days. I’ve seen Hollywood personalities, children and even…
No Thanks, I Can Do It Myself!
No Thanks, I Can Do It Myself! Self-Sufficiency – self-supporting, self-reliant, self-sustaining, “I’ve watched my dear 95-year-old mother-in-law, who has been quite independent for years, now be willing to let go of that self-sufficiency. Since she uses a walker, I offered to carry her purse and she’d reply “I can carry it myself!” Now, she…