No Thanks! I Can Do It Myself!

No Thanks! I Can Do It Myself!

June 7, 2022 Off By Donna Wuerch

Funny how, in this independent mindset that we hold on to for so long, we become almost TOO GOOD at being self-sufficient. I’m guilty as charged. Fortunately, there have been very few things that I can’t do myself these days, especially in this age of being able to google just about anything to DIY (do it yourself). Even our cars have indicators that let us know if something isn’t right.

Like last Tuesday, when I noticed an (!) indicator on my dashboard. I scrolled through until I came upon that indicator and it showed I had only 26 pounds in my back left tire. I drove my car into a Firestone tire shop and they graciously filled up all my tires and found a nail in that tire. I knew I would have to take my car into the dealership. I have a warranty coverage on my tires so I was grateful to get a brand new tire.

Then yesterday, I googled an issue I’m having with my computer. In a matter of minutes, issue figured out. We have so many tools that enable self-sufficiency. That’s not a bad thing. It sure saves us time and energy.

I’ve been under the weather the last several days. Before I went to my doctor’s office, I already knew what my health issue was because of Dr. Google’s help. With Google, I have become a master problem solver. Whenever I face difficulties that seem insurmountable, I stick with it until I find a solution. I am determined to find a way to manage difficulties without needing much help from others.

Typically, self-sufficiency would be considered an admirable quality to strive for, but now I’m thinking I need to guard myself against becoming too good at it. But, too late. I am good at it. I’ll admit it’s difficult to humble myself to ask for help of any kind.

That’s why I must reel myself back into my Father’s great love for me Who reminds me that I am still the child and He is the Father. Oh how I need HIS wisdom to help me navigate my life. Oh how I need His ways to be inbred into me so that I choose my days and my time wisely. Oh how I need His strength for each new day. I NEED HIM to be my ALL-Sufficent One…..not me!

I remember my children and grandchildren as toddlers wanting to do everything for themselves. I would loosen my grip on their little hand when they’d want to do something on their own. They may have taken a tumble but each time they became more self sufficient.

Our Heavenly Father longs to have that close relationship with us. He wants to help. He wants to save us from a lot of the mistakes we’ll make without His wisdom. He wants us to be dependent on Him. It’s easy to rely on our own strength, our own ability, and our own wisdom — so much so that we no longer reach out to our Father and let Him in to help us. It’s easy to start to leave Him out of our daily life, decisions and activities, and only run to Him when there’s a big crisis.

Even in the thick of our daily challenges and struggles, God is right there saying: “Let Me help you with that.” I’m learning to relinquish my self-sufficient spirit! I desire my total dependence to be in Him Who never makes me feel too needy – especially when I should have it all together by now. I don’t like calling out for help to anyone, but I’m seeing that there are times when I must – especially in keeping so tight with God, that I can call on Him and His wisdom – 24/7!

Psalm 91:15 “Call on me and I will answer you. I will be with you in trouble. I will deliver you and honor you.”