Who Said I’m Not a Dog Lover?
Five years ago, Payton, my then 13-year-old grandson, was quite the entrepreneur repairing and selling cell phones. He earned enough money to purchase his Australian Shepherd pedigreed puppy that came with a pretty hefty price tag! They lived in the Seattle area and had to drive a couple of hours north to see and purchase…
Christmas is for Children — of All Ages
Oh how the memories roll like a film during this time of year when we see a Christmas program, a play, light displays, hear a song or anything that creates a “blast from the past”. That happened for me on Sunday when my two youngest grandsons were in their church’s Children’s Christmas program — singing…
History Repeats Itself!
Don’t you love it when history repeats itself — especially the history that was so sweet at the time, the memories that lasted and now, 40 years later, it’s coming around again? This post today was inspired by photos my son sent me with the caption, “Does this bring back memories?” Oh yes it did!…