Tag: freedom

Happy July 4th – Let Freedom Ring!

At church on Sunday, the congregation was invited to share with someone what the best thing about July 4th is to them. I thought “That’s a no-brainer! It’s remembering that we live in this marvelous country with so many freedoms that were paid for by those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for us.” And, that’s…

By Donna Wuerch July 4, 2018 Off

Happy Memorial Day!

I live in a 55+ community of almost 3,000 homes and I’ve noticed incredible patriotism throughout on this Memorial Day. American flags are lining the main roadways and most homes have a flag in their yard or on their home. I’m quite sure many of those who live in this community are veterans and/or they…

By Donna Wuerch May 28, 2018 Off

Please, God! Take This Baggage!

BAGGAGE: past experiences that are regarded as burdens, cares and weights (i.e., emotional baggage). I made it home from Tulsa in time to quickly change clothes and head to my church for our annual 3-night Lenten Mission where we intentionally set aside the time to dive deeper and lean in closer to God. It’s about…

By Donna Wuerch February 20, 2018 Off

What Memorial Day Means to Me

Even though we know that Memorial Day was originally created to help us remember the sacrifices of brave heroes who fought for our freedoms, it has become an event built around a 3-day holiday that kicks off the summer season. Today, millions of people will head outdoors to dust off their patio furniture, fire up…

By Donna Wuerch May 30, 2016 Off

Break Free of That Cocoon

I’ve been through some painful seasons when it felt like God had a deaf ear to my heart cries. The seasons of financial concerns, children’s illnesses, broken relationships, disappointments, family deaths – including, my own precious husband’s passing. I was in the cocoon during those times – going through what seemed to be, personal death,…

By Donna Wuerch April 1, 2014 Off