Tag: god with us

Living in the Afterglow of Christmas

A happy, healthy, restful and relaxed day-after-Christmas to all! Many people are returning to their workplaces today, while others are running out for returns and after-Christmas sales, others are simply basking in the thought “Whew! We did it! We survived another Christmas!” I’ll be easing back into my usual routines because, for me, I’m right…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 26, 2018 Off

Merry Christmas! God Showed Up!

“He was here! He was here!” Kids all over the world are waking up their families with shrills and abounding excitement! The “jolly old soul” made it to their homes last night. They are sure he was here because the cookie plate only has crumbs on it. Most importantly, stockings that were hung by the…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 25, 2018 Off

Oh Tidings of Comfort and Joy

God REST You Merry Gentlemen. Oh, tidings of comfort and joy! For this Nana, “rest” hasn’t been the operative word this week, but comfort and joy are abounding. Being here with my “Austin” grandchildren this week has been filled with non-stop activity. I love that the grown-up ones enjoy coming over to the house to…

By Donna Wuerch Noble December 13, 2018 Off

Alone, Lonely or Solitude

My word(s) for today are ALONE, LONELY, SOLITUDE. ALONE: having no one else present; on one’s own. LONELY: sad because one has no friends or company; friendless, forsaken, inner emptiness SOLITUDE: withdrawal for privacy and peace A few days ago I was in Austin with grandchildren, then I was back home in Frisco with my…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 19, 2018 Off

I Waved Farewell to the Past

The Word of the Day: PAST — no longer existing. Remember the Von Trapp Family in the “Sound of Music” singing “So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, good-bye”? That’s what I did on New Year’s Eve.” The PAST is now the PAST. And, what a way to say farewell than in a predominately African American crowd…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 2, 2018 Off