Tag: integrity

Honoring Sacrifice, Unity, and Hope

I’ve been looking forward to this day! We commemorate two pivotal moments in our nation’s history: Martin Luther King Jr. Day and the Presidential Inauguration Day. Each carries profound significance, not only for the leaders we honor but also for the path forward they inspire in all of us. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave…

By Donna Wuerch Noble January 20, 2025 Off

Integrity: The Missing Piece

With every election season, the question echoes louder: who can we trust? As I watch candidates vie for leadership, I can’t help but wonder—are they people of integrity? Wouldn’t it be refreshing to know that what they say is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Integrity seems to be in short…

By Donna Wuerch Noble October 22, 2024 Off

This is What Nobility Looks Like

Today I get to celebrate my NOBLE husband! It’s his birthday! It’s easy to talk about nobility when you have a name like NOBLE, but it’s much harder to live it out every day. My husband, Carl Noble, does exactly that. By name and by character, he is a man of integrity, kindness, honor, faith,…

By Donna Wuerch Noble October 5, 2024 Off

To Tell the Truth

For years, I enjoyed watching the classic television show “To Tell the Truth”. The premise was simple but captivating. Three contestants stood before a panel, all claiming to be the same person with an extraordinary career or life story. As questions were asked, two were impostors, leaving the panelists to discern who was telling the…

By Donna Wuerch Noble September 18, 2024 Off

The Sphere of Influence

When our friend heard that we would be going to Nevada to spend time with our cousins and celebrate our BIG 1-year anniversary, he encouraged us to go to Las Vegas’ newest marvel, The Sphere. This architectural wonder, with its state-of-the-art technology and stunning visuals, has quickly become a must-see destination. It captivates audiences, drawing…

By Donna Wuerch Noble August 18, 2024 Off

Because of Her

On July 12th, 1911, an angel came to earth. Edna Pearl (Halbert) Wheat. And, yes, she was a pearl! I cherish this photo of her and my one granddaughter, Alexia Wallace. I love the “before” and “after” of Alexia getting hold of that bottle. I treasure photos like this, because they remind me of where…

By Donna Wuerch Noble July 12, 2024 Off

Like the Titanic or Jesus?

During our recent trip through Canada, we visited the Titanic Cemetery aka Fairview Lawn Cemetery in Halifax, Nova Scotia, a somber reminder of the 1912 disaster that claimed 1,513 lives. The sight of children’s tombstones was particularly heartrending, realizing the immense loss endured. James Cameron, the director of the movie, “Titanic”, once described the Titanic…

By Donna Wuerch Noble May 31, 2024 Off

Promise Made. Promise Kept.

Get ready! The upcoming presidential election campaigns are already in “go” mode! AND, they are already making “I promise you, if elected I’ll…….. We’ve all made promises like:“I promise you….for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness or in health, till death parts us…..”“I promise you….I’ll never tell your secret….”“I promise you….I’ll be…

By Donna Wuerch Noble July 25, 2023 Off

The Man and the Legend

It is an honor, on this 9th day of June, to celebrate my “other” son. Yes, I have one son by birth and the “other” son was God’s gift to my daughter, Staci, their two children, Payton and Alexia, ME and so many others look up to him, his wisdom, and his tender and loving…

By Donna Wuerch Noble June 9, 2023 Off

Character Matters

I am still remembering Memorial Day as I type this blog today. I have a dear friend who makes suggestions to me about potential blog subject matter. And, daily, he gives me encouraging and supportive comments about what I blog about via text messaging me. In the words of Dionne Warwick, ”That’s What Friends Are…

By Donna Wuerch Noble June 2, 2023 Off