Happy Birthday to my Sweet Mama
On July 12th, 1911, a star was born. That star was my mama, Edna Pearl (Halbert) Wheat. Today she would be 111. She made it to 94 before heading to her home sweet home in heaven! If anyone deserved heaven and all it affords, Mom did. I know she earned a jeweled crown by lovingly…
Whose Superhero are You?
I was listening to a Christian radio station. The DJ talked about a family he knows whose wife and mom was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer. The entire family dressed up in superhero costumes and went with her to each of her chemo treatments to let her know she’s their superhero. The DJ said great…
Celebrating My Pearl
God is relentless in His pursuit of us. He speaks to us in a thousand different ways trying to get our attention. He is passionate in His love for us, and patient in His tolerance of us. And, just in case you ever doubt your self-worth, here is proof positive of how special and amazing…
Character Matters
I couldn’t pass by the display in the middle of the aisle. After all, the fingernail polish was priced 75% off. Two bottles ended up in the child carrier area of my basket. I paid for my basket full of groceries, unloaded my groceries into my car, grabbed my purse and then…I see that nail…
Promises Made. Promises Kept.
I promise you….if elected, I’ll…..I promise you….for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness or in health, till death parts us…..I promise you….I’ll never tell your secret….I promise you….I’ll be at your game (recital, performance).…I promise you….I’ll be there right on time….You know – all those promises someone made, or we made, maybe…
Would You Be Impeached if You Were President?
It doesn’t matter which teams you root for in this world. Integrity should be a standard we value more than winning. We look for integrity in our preachers, teachers, and medical professionals. We would appreciate integrity in our lawyers, but we demand integrity from the lawyers on the other side of the table. We want…
A Dedication to Fathers on Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day My blog today is dedicated to all the wonderful fathers, father figures, and male mentors who have touched the lives of your own kids, others’ kids, your family, and others you’ve mentored and coached. We appreciate you! And, for the rest of us, let’s be sure to celebrate our fathers in words and…