Are We Behaving Wisely?

August 13, 2018 Off By Donna Wuerch

Typically, we use the word, misbehaving, when it comes to the way our children act up. But, I’m sure you will agree that we have been inundated with “misbehaving” adults lately, particularly in the political arena. But, that’s them, what about us? We faith-talking, Bible-toting, cross-wearing, Christ-following people are being watched by those in our sphere of influence. They scrutinize us and the life we live at home and outside the home is one we cannot afford to compromise or lose. Like David, we need to BEHAVE ourselves wisely. Take a look at his example:

We first hear about David` as a shepherd boy keeping watch over his father’s sheep. Then we read about him being anointed by Samuel to become king one day. Soon he started serving King Saul in a musical capacity and though he still tended his sheep, when Saul called for him to play his music, he showed up. Not long after that, he defeated the Philistine giant, Goliath.

That conquest was greater than only killing Goliath. When the Philistines saw that their leader was dead, they ran in terror. That’s when the Israeli armies ran after the Philistines, killed them all and plundered their tents. Not only were their enemies defeated, but they took home the goods and treasures with them.

The crowd’s victory cheers went like this “Saul has slain his thousands, but David, his ten-thousands.” From that point on, Saul’s jealousy made him bound and determined to kill David, but all his attempts were foiled. This leads me back to my main point in today’s post. In 1 Samuel 18:5, we read “So David went out wherever Saul sent him, and he BEHAVED wisely.” Verse 14: “And David BEHAVED in all his ways, and the Lord was with him.” In Verse 30, “David BEHAVED more wisely than all the servants of Saul so that his name became highly esteemed.”

David did the right thing when the wrong thing was done to him. He could have become arrogant and self-serving when he received all the acclaim, but he BEHAVED well. He could have taken revenge on Saul, but he BEHAVED well. He BEHAVED well even when he carried a lot of responsibilities. As David behaved himself wisely he earned the respect of the people of Israel and even the servants of Saul. He served patiently and faithfully and he was noticed and respected for that.

Our country is in desperate need of Godly leadership. We need those who will live a life of integrity before God and others. Integrity is not just measured by who we are in public, but who we are in private when no one else is around. Integrity and character are doing the right thing when no one is watching. As followers of Christ, we should BEHAVE ourselves in such a way that it pleases and honors God. Shouldn’t we, in every situation, be men and women of integrity? Shouldn’t we consistently be asking ourselves: “Am I behaving well in this situation? Am I making a difference in the world around me? Do we hear God saying about us “She/He behaved wisely.” If not, shouldn’t we make it a priority to start NOW?