Tag: Joan of Arc

Alexia’s Rite of Passage

Alexia’s Rite of Passage Day The first full day we were in Mexico, we got a beautiful view of Puerto Vallerta — from a tourist’s point of view. Lots of palatial hotels and resorts and shops galore. Cruise ships in port. Who would ever realize what we would eventually experience from “behind the scenes”? But,…

By Donna Wuerch November 2, 2014 Off

God Takes Pleasure When We Take Pleasure

Yesterday was planned around Alexia — some girl time, her getting to choose where we would eat for breakfast and dinner — being pampered at the nail salon, her picking some great decor’ for her new bedroom, getting her “Fall Harvest” costume — it was a “by design” day that continues to celebrate her Rite…

By Donna Wuerch July 21, 2014 Off