God Takes Pleasure When We Take Pleasure

July 21, 2014 Off By Donna Wuerch

Yesterday was planned around Alexia — some girl time, her getting to choose where we would eat for breakfast and dinner — being pampered at the nail salon, her picking some great decor’ for her new bedroom, getting her “Fall Harvest” costume — it was a “by design” day that continues to celebrate her Rite of Passage (she’ll turn 13 in Sept).

I was thrilled to be a part of this day and getting to watch as she received the next “key” that might be the “one” that would open her Rite-of-Passage Treasure Chest. Yesterday’s leadership “key” was COURAGE. It was another key she received during these many weeks of intense training and preparation by her dad and mom who are pouring into her.

Last night, as an example of courage and willingness to fight and die for a cause bigger than herself, we watched the movie, “Joan of Arc” — so compelling to see a young woman of courage, power and ability to lead armies and command men. She won many military victories over England and saved France from English rule. She had the ability to endure adversity patiently. She was steadfast and loyal to a king who abandoned her to her enemies. But most of all, she loved God, and her loyalty and patient acceptance to His Will for her life, makes her a genuine heroine and role model for us all — not to mention my precious granddaughter who is being equipped with the “keys” that are creating a firm foundation in her life as she continues to grow into womanhood.

As I took this day in — with all its enjoyments and pleasures — and ending with this strong emphasis on courage, I realized that is what Father God wants for all His kids. He wants us to enjoy all that is around us — He takes pleasure in our joy. But most importantly He wants us to grow in all the ways of becoming, being, and doing — people of courage, purpose and destiny — to change our world. I pray this for Alexia, I continue to strive for this with all my heart.