Tag: Mary

Trusting God in the Senseless

Yesterday I blogged about the times when we MUST trust! We have a host of reasons to have a problem with trusting, especially when it comes to relationships and our heart gets broken or when dreams crush or our dream vacation turns into a nightmare or when we’re let down by a sickness reoccurrence. We…

By Donna Wuerch December 24, 2022 Off

Expect the Unexpected

I am closely acquainted with expectations. I have in mind exactly how things should go on my birthday, vacation, holiday, or any other experience. At this time of year, I’m taking some ques from Mary, Jesus’ mother, who learned to expect the unexpected. She became a role model for us when it comes to expectations.…

By Donna Wuerch December 20, 2022 Off

Being Enough

I remember a time when I begged God to make me just like other super-moms and super-wives – organized, intentional with preparing healthy meals, ensuring my children were the respectful, honorable, ideal kids, and dutifully being the “pristine and perfect” wife, with a “zippedy-do-dah” kind of personality. I so wanted to imitate other women who…

By Donna Wuerch December 12, 2022 Off

Joy Joy Joy

It’s the third Sunday of Advent and time to sing “Go Tell It on the Mountain”! Well — not necessarily from a mountain — that would mean we’d have to go climbing! Perhaps we can start right here on level ground to be joyful and full of the good news of Christ’s coming to this…

By Donna Wuerch December 11, 2022 Off

How Will This Be?

Perhaps, like me, you have had an idea, a desire, a dream, or a vision deep in your heart, yet the “how to make it happen” left you wanting. We pray: “Lord, how will this be?” Those were Mary’s words. In Luke one, we read that Gabriel gave a “birth announcement” to Mary. He told…

By Donna Wuerch December 9, 2022 Off

Being Overshadowed

The word “overshadowed” can have a negative connotation when we think of a big brother who overshadows (dominates) his younger siblings or this comment: “Sometimes the real meaning of Christmas is overshadowed by commercialism.” While that’s true, it doesn’t have to be true for us. There is a place of peace and comfort when we…

By Donna Wuerch December 4, 2021 Off

Dare to be Bold

I’m not talking about “stupid” boldness where we take dangerous risks, but being bold for God, ourselves, and others. Yep! That’s me! I own it! Unlike the shy, timid, and insecure child that I was, hiding behind my mama, over time and with the help of my pushy husband, I came out of my cocoon.…

By Donna Wuerch July 9, 2021 Off

Hump Day or Holy Day?

When I was in the workplace on Wednesdays, we’d often hear someone say: “Yay! It’s hump day!” That’s because Wednesday is smack dab in the middle of a work week and the weekend is in sight! Whoohoo! But, imagine the countdown to the weekend that Jesus was thinking about. Wednesday meant one day closer to…

By Donna Wuerch March 31, 2021 Off